MY.YÔ (maillot)* from the etymology of the word “ maillot ” which defines a "whole" garment, originally made in knit and mostly female.
MY.YÔ is more than a brand, it is a clothing concept of pieces that can be dressed as a whole, a brand "from head to toe".
Integral and carefully designed and produced in Portugal, using organic, natural, or recycled materials, the brand seeks values based on a conscious economy of saving resources balanced with a fair production for all those who build this project.
MY.YÔ is a 100% Portuguese brand, specialized in creating versatile and durable original overalls.
Our overalls are made to create memories, to build the narrative of our days, the story of our lives.
Were pieces of time ,the assemble of moments and layers of life pure experiences.
Its all about use all senses , move your body and dress up an overalls!
It is that what we believe in, the things that remains forever!
MYYÔ collecting memories